Our Story

Formed in 2006, 3B Outdoors has one goal in mind: producing high quality, real and entertaining, hunting and fishing adventures.
We are committed to honesty, integrity, fair business and strict adherence to all national and state, hunting and fishing regulations.
We collect no information from visitors for the purpose of re-sale or re-distribution for any reason, without consent.
Please enjoy our site, as we pursue Bucks, Bass and Beards.

Contact us!

3B Outdoors Expo 2017 • 3B Outdoors
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3B Outdoors / News  / 3B Outdoors Expo 2017
21 Sep

3B Outdoors Expo 2017

3b-expo-digital-save-the-date3B Outdoors is super excited to announce the 3B Outdoors Expo, coming to the Meadowview Conference, Resort and Convention Center, Kingsport, TN January 6-8, 2017!
We are teaming with Visit Kingsport to deliver a high quality, fun and family Hunting and Fishing exposition.  Vendor space is limited with attractive booth rates.
For vendor registration, directions, lodging, pricing and more visit 3BOutdoorExpo.com.
Please share with your outdoor friends and get the new year started right with everything you need for trophy-sized Bucks Bass and Beards.